Our Statement of Values

Worship as our Motivation

Whatever we do, wherever we are, it’s all about our vertical worship to God. Our only Reason is Christ Himself who gave Himself to us because of His great love for us. Whether we are in the Church or at home or any place else, we are given to a higher praise because we knew, everything good and great comes from Him and will always be. He truly deserves all our praises, and worship is a real life that we all live in!  Psalm 29:2

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Psalm 81:9 You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not worship any god other than me. Psalm 95:6 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; Psalm 100:2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Romans12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

Prayer as our Source

Only on bended knees that real resolution and reconciliation could truly be realized. Many human problems and issues can be solved and addressed if God’s people are only praying. Prayer anointed by the Holy Spirit and expressed in faith is a powerful Source for enemy’s defeat and God’s victory in our lives.

Servanthood as our Attitude

Jesus is our only Model of true servanthood. He came not to be served but to serve. He said that if we want to be first, we must be the very last and servant of all. Those who wants to be great must become a servant. In everything that we do must reflect this attitude. The world has already discovered the value and power of this, and they called it “customer service”. Business and corporations became utterly wealthy because of this. As Christians, we enrich people’s lives and make people spiritually wealthy because of our attitude of servanthood. People feel big and great because a Christian bends over backwards to help, encourage, edify, and serve. Let us all make people feeling good by humbly serving them. And in doing so, you are in fact serving the Lord already!

Excellence as our Impact

The Spirit of Christ who dwells in us, is the Spirit of excellence who was also inside Daniel. Daniel who served before kings in his generation, rose to become a powerful influence that was unequaled among peers. He was spiritually excellent in God first before that spirit flowed to those around him. As Christians, we are to pursue spiritual, people, and ministry excellence. That excellent, example-setting spirit should be seen in all areas of our lives: personal, family, church, career, school, job, etc. It is making Jesus our true, real Lord in everything that we are and do. Letting Jesus navigate, direct, and lead our lives according to His purpose will make a sure impact for others to emulate and follow. God desires it for us and He requires it from us. This is biblical excellence that is rooted in our worship to Him!

People as our Reward

The Bible calls people as “joy and crown”, and “glory and joy”. When Jesus endured the Cross, it was the “joy” set before Him. And what could be greater joy for Jesus but to see mankind saved and received eternal life through His death and resurrection! Because of His passion for people, we seek souls to come under His authority and blessing. Our joy, crown, and glory is to see our friends and loved ones to know Him, develop His relationship with Him, and walk in His ways. We biblically show our fruitfulness in Him as His disciples by the people we bring and raise up for Him. People are our great reward in Christ!

Growth as our Target

As we open ourselves more to the Lordship of Christ in our lives and allow Him to use us for His glory, growth, maturity, and fruitfulness will definitely happen. This is God’s will. This is our goal for ourselves and for the people whom we are assisting in their new walk with Christ. To be fully assured and mature in the Lord is all that we truly seek. We feed on regularly on the Word of God which is making us wise for salvation. We devote ourselves in prayer and in faithfully serving Him by making ourselves available to others. We fellowship with the saints corporately and in Life Groups. We obey and please Him. We are always filled with the Holy Spirit. We are growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. We are growing in faith and holiness.

Love, Peace, and Unity as our Strength

All human weakness, limitations, mistakes, and faults can be subdued, overcome, repaired, and restored if love, peace, and unity will be present in the Body of Christ. As Christians, we are instructed to seek and pursue all this. The strength of Christianity lies in all these virtues. May all these be the ones that the world will notice when we come around as His people. Biblically, people are unconsciously, desperately attracted to these because these are the ones that are most lacking and deficient in their lives but more needed than anything else. We Christians, already have something that the world hasn’t. We have the solution in Christ that brings true love, peace, and unity. All these are our Christian strength.
9625 Black Mountain Rd., SUITE 308, San Diego, CA 92126